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Material Handling

AI Accelerates Material Science Discoveries

In this Formaspace executive report, we look at how new AI-based tools could automate material laboratory processes from end to end.

Tech Lab

AI is Driving Rapid Growth in Data Center Property Development

Find out why the AI-centric data centers are rapidly growing and emerging as the new hot sector in commercial real estate development.


Student Achievement Catches Up After Pandemic Setback

Read more about the new studies from Brown University, Stanford, and Harvard point to a turnaround in student achievement scores.

Industrial Facilities

Will the CHIPS and Science Act bring Semiconductor Manufacturing back to the USA?

Will new federal industrial policies bring semiconductor manufacturing back to the USA? We investigate in the Formaspace executive report.

Tech Lab

The Often-Under-Appreciated Role of Lighting Design

Find out about the key considerations for creating more attractive and functional environments using good lighting design techniques.


Redesigning Schools and Offices to be Safer When Active Shooters Attack

As more American lives are touched by active shooter killings, many are asking if there are ways to make schools safer from gun violence.

Tech Lab

Should Cloud Computing go Underground? The Coming Satellite Apocalypse

NASA predicts the next Solar Maximum will occur in 2024. Could a major solar storm knock out today’s modern satellite communication systems?

Tech Lab

How Researchers Create Synthetic Biological Intelligence in the Laboratory

Read more about a lab in Australia that grew brain cells that were able to learn and play the arcade game “Pong” in a matter of minutes.


Architects, Designers, and Space Planners Use Universal Design Principles to Benefit Everyone, Not Just Differently-Abled People

Find out how the seven principles of Universal Design can help make the lives of everyone better, not just the differently-abled.

Tech Lab

Could Cyber Attacks Shut Down Entire Industry Sectors of the American Economy?

Find out about the risk posed to American businesses in light of recent major cyber attacks and learn how to protect business operations.